At first, cover letters were great. They did the trick. But right now, they might just be the reason why no one has you called you yet. That path is now a black hole. Employers no longer bother to look at cover letters, and new technology puts the last nail on this...
Let’s face it, persuading that potential boss to hire you is no picnic. You’ve probably tried the cover letter as part of your effort. Did it bore any fruit? If yes, congratulations! Interestingly, there are just as many people who would say otherwise. The truth is...
Dozens of resumes land at the recruiter’s desk every day. Studies show six seconds is all they have before they decide if you are a good fit for the job. Put differently, you only have six seconds to grab their attention. How does one do that? That’s what I asked...
Human resources may sound too familiar, but human capital? It’s not used as much. How does human capital differ from human resources?? Some people see this as a name change or upgrade; that both words refer to the same thing. But as you’ll see shortly, they don’t....
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